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Structural Demands of Building Tall Walls

Total Credits: 1 including 1 Minnesota Residential Building Contractor, 1 Minnesota Building Official, 1 Wisconsin Dwelling Contractor

MN Contractor Credit |  MN Building Official Credit |  WI Contractor Credit
Mark Weegman
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Access for 180 day(s) after purchase.


This course will identify the strength reductions in wood fiber base that conflict with industry’s demand for taller walls and larger windows. We will discuss code requirements in MN and WI and help inform the students to design and build a code compliant home.

Course Outline
  • Intro and briefly state how harvesting practices effect the end use of visually graded construction material and how that intersects with greater design requirements
  • Discuss requirements of the tall wall design and look at both prescriptive and design options to meet those requirements.
  • Address code requirements in Minnesota and Wisconsin regarding vertical and lateral loads and wind exposure requirements
  • Provide correct design and installation guidelines to meet both window manufacturer’s and building code requirements
  • Commonly asked questions

Learner Objectives
  • Easily identify the problems that can occur with tall walls
  • Recognize the requirements that exist for both vertical and lateral loads
  • Be able to recognize proper design and installation practices that will ensure a lasting code-compliant wall

Quiz Info

In order to receive continuing education credit(s), you will need to take a 10-question quiz after each hour of the course. To pass each quiz, you will need to achieve a score of 70% or higher. If you are unsuccessful, you will have an opportunity to repeat the quiz. Once you have successfully completed the course, you can download your continuing education certificate(s) showing the credit(s) that you have earned.

Credit Info

This course has been approved for one hour of MN residential contractor, remodeler, and building official continuing education by the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry. This course is approved for one hour of WI Dwelling Contractor Qualifier CE by the Wisconsin Dept. of Safety & Professional Services. 

If you are eligible to receive continuing education credits, your information will be electronically reported to the appropriate agency within 3 business days of course completion.

Access Info

Your online course is accessible 24/7. The course will be available to you for 180 days from purchase date.

Questions and Comments

Questions and comments related to the curriculum for this course may be submitted to the instructor at



Mark Weegman's Profile

Mark Weegman Related Seminars and Products


Mark Weegman is a University of Minnesota Forest Products graduate and has been employed with Weyerhaeuser for more than 30 years. Mark is a Territory Manger for Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the eastern Dakotas and presents on both code and structural frame issues for multiple states, associations and municipalities.