Total Credits: 2 including 2 Minnesota Residential Building Contractor, 2 Minnesota Building Official, 2 Minnesota Real Estate Credit, 2 Wisconsin Dwelling Contractor
For high-performance, net zero energy homes it is critical to get the building enclosure and mechanical systems right. While renewable energy can be added or acquired later, it is not as easy to change the overall efficiency of the building enclosure or HVAC system. The key is to identify cost-effective approaches to get the loads low and efficiencies high. This course will explore the DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes specifications along with specific design strategies and technologies that can help you design and construct a successful Net Zero Energy Home today.
Course OutlineIn order to earn CE credit(s) for in-person courses, students must attend the entire course during the time span(s) listed. Credit(s) will not be issued for the following:
Students must sign-in/sign-out, and be prepared to show their driver’s license or other legal identification with their photo if requested.
A quiz is not required for those attending for Minnesota contractor, building official, and Realtor continuing education, or Wisconsin continuing education. Students attending for International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) CEU(s) must complete a quiz following the course and achieve 70% correct answers.
This course is approved for two hours of MN residential contractor, remodeler, and building official continuing education by the Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry, including the required energy credit. This course is approved for two hours of WI Dwelling Contractor Qualifier CE by the Wisconsin Dept. of Safety & Professional Services. This course is approved for two hours of MN realtor continuing education by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
If you are eligible to receive continuing education credits, your information will be electronically reported to the appropriate agency within 3 business days of course completion.
Questions and comments related to the curriculum for this course may be submitted to the instructor at
Achieving Net Zero Energy Homes Handout 1 (1.7 MB) | 8 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Achieving Net Zero Energy Homes Handout 2 (322.8 KB) | 5 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Achieving Net Zero Energy Homes Handout 3 (1.3 MB) | 4 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Achieving Net Zero Energy Homes Handout 4 (3.9 MB) | 79 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Pat serves as the Coordinator of the Cold Climate Housing Program with the University of Minnesota Extension. This program is focused on the advancement of performance-built homes through education of the building industry, development and dissemination of information on new technologies and practices, and a critical investigation of housing design and construction innovations. In addition, Pat is Project Manager for the Cloquet Residential Research Facility for hygrothermal testing. He is extremely active in professional education for the home building industry and have been recognized for his “systems approach” to improving overall housing performance, with a focus on energy efficiency, long-term durability, good indoor air quality, and environmental responsibility.